Dr. Vít Šťastný

Research areas (selected): shadow education and comparative education with emphasis on French and German speaking countries
Projects (selected):
- 2021-2022
Reasons of the shortage of teachers
member of the research team - 2021-2022
Features of ability grouping in Czech schools
member of the research team - 2018-2020
project n. 18-00939S The link between mainstream and shadow education: the case of Czech lower-secondary schools of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GAČR)
principal investigator - 2018-2020
project n. 18-19056S Factors related to the cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes of vocational students. The role of the sense of academic futility and school culture of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GAČR)
member of the research team - 2015-2018
Czech Longitudinal Study in Education
member of the research team - 2015-2016
project n. 178515 The shadow education in upper-secondary schools of the Grant Agency of Charles University in Prague (GAUK)
principal investigator
Articles (selected):
- Šťastný, V., Walterová, E., & Zhu, X. (2021). Školní vzdělávání v Číně. [School education in China]. Praha: Karolinum.
- Hoidn, S., & Šťastný, V. (2021). Labour Market Success of Initial Vocational Education and Training Graduates: A Comparative Study of Three Education Systems in Central Europe. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 1-25.
- Šťastný, V. (2021). Shadow education in the context of early tracking: between-track differences in the Czech Republic. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.
- Šťastný, V. (2021). Shadow education: A double-edged sword for Czech mainstream schools in the competitive educational market. Research Papers in Education.
- Šťastný, V., Chvál, M., & Walterová, E. (2021). An ordinary moonlighting activity? Determinants of the provision of private tutoring by Czech schoolteachers. International Journal of Educational Development, 82, 1-11.
- (2020). Does the quality of school instruction relate to the use of additional tutoring in science? Comparative analysis of five post-socialist countries. School Effectiveness and School Improvement.
- Šťastný, V. & Walterová, E. (2019). Vliv školy na využívání soukromého doučování.[School influence on private tutoring use]. Studia paedagogica, 24(1). 51–78.
- Šťastný, V., Svobodová, Z., & Rochex, J.-Y. (2017). Školní vzdělávání ve Francii. [School education in France]. Praha: Karolinum.
- Šťastný, V. (2017). Availability of Czech school play-centres. Pedagogická orientace, 27(4), 575–598.
- Šťastný, V. (2017). Challenges, pitfalls, and opportunities of researching shadow education through internet. E-Methodology, 4(1), 95-113.
- Šťastný, V. (2017). Soukromé hodiny doučování na středních školách: diagnóza a směry dalšího výzkumu. [Private tutoring lessons in upper-secondary schools: Diagnosis and future research directions]. Pedagogická orientace, 27(1), 29–56.
- Šťastný, V. (2017). Private tutoring lessons supply – Insights from online advertising in the Czech Republic. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 47(4), 561-579.
- Šťastný, V. (2016). Klíčová témata a metody ve výzkumu soukromého doučování. [Key topics and methods in private supplementary tutoring research]. Orbis Scholae, 10(1), 35-62.
- Šťastný, V. (2016). Private supplementary tutoring in the Czech Republic. European Education, 48(1), 1-22.
- Šťastný, V. (2015). Soukromé doučování pohledem společenskovědních disciplín a teorií. [Private tutoring phenomenon from the point of view of social sciences and theories]. Studia Paedagogica, 20(1), 45-66.
- Šťastný, V. (2014). Soukromé doučování a vzdělávací politiky v Evropě. [Private supplementary tutoring and education policies in Europe]. Pedagogická orientace, 24(3), 353–374.